Monday, May 9, 2011

The 30 Day Book Challenge

A house without books is like a room without windows.  ~Heinrich Mann

When my friend, Jocelyn, first began writing about her Book Challenge on Facebook, I was immediately intrigued. Reading is one of the greatest passions of my life! Having also completed the October Dress Project last Autumn, I was up for another 30 day challenge. Given that we've just completed National Library Week, I decided that this was as good a time as any to begin a new endeavor. Finally, having just come out of my head being in a fog from battling Leiomyosarcoma, a rare form of cancer that struck my abdominal muscles, I believed that an intellectual challenge would be just what I needed to get my mind thinking about the books that have shaped my life.

Does this sound interesting? I hope so, and I hope that you will join me in my latest quest: Ellen's 30 Day Book Challenge

Below are the directions for completing a 30 day book challenge of your own:

Create a photo album and use Photobucket, Amazon, or Shelfari (or some other site with pictures of books) to share pictures of the books on this list day by day.

Day 1: Favorite book
Day 2: Least favorite book
Day 3: Book that makes you laugh out loud
Day 4: Book that makes you cry
Day 5: Book you wish you could live in
Day 6: Favorite young adult book
Day 7: Book that you can quote/recite
Day 8: Book that scares you
Day 9: Book that makes you sick
Day 10: Book that changed your life
Day 11: Book from your favorite author
Day 12: Book that is most like your life
Day 13: Book whose main character is most like you
Day 14: Book whose main character you want to marry
Day 15: First “chapter book” you can remember reading as a child
Day 16: Longest book you’ve read
Day 17: Shortest book you’ve read
Day 18: Book you’re most embarrassed to say you like
Day 19: Book that turned you on
Day 20: Book you’ve read the most number of times
Day 21: Favorite picture book from childhood
Day 22: Book you plan to read next
Day 23: Book you tell people you’ve read, but haven’t (or haven’t actually finished)
Day 24: Book that contains your favorite scene
Day 25: Favorite book you read in school
Day 26: Favorite nonfiction book
Day 27: Favorite fiction book
Day 28: Last book you read

Day 29: Book you’re currently reading
Day 30: Favorite Coffee Table book