Tuesday, January 19, 2010

With the angels...

Have you ever blown out a candle? Have you noticed that the flame flickers, goes out and then smoke rises in sweeping, arching, twirling wisps upwards? When my children were very small, and we'd blow out candles, they would say "Bye bye Angels!" and wave goodbye as the smoke would dissipate towards the ceiling. It was an endearing habit and one that I just let them outgrow on their own. Unlike biting and swiping each other's toys, this innocent acknowledgement of the divine was so precious, I never had the heart to rob them of this imagery. As a matter of fact, I smile each time I blow out a candle, thinking the very same thing, turning my face up to the sky, and bidding the angels a silent "Au Revoir". Although my children have long since forgotten this ritual, it's stayed with me more than a decade later.

Here in my small town in Maine, a flame has gone out, as well. My beautiful friend, Molly, glowed like the most stunning candle possible. Molly was the type of woman whose company made you smile. When we'd meet for coffee, her beautiful face and her warm laugh would naturally draw all eyes to her in our little coffee house. Yet, it was her inner beauty that made Molly sparkle. She had a way of encouraging everyone around her. Molly inspired me. In her presence I felt dynamic, fun loving and enthusiastic. When she took my yoga classes, the room sparkled with her presence. I felt as if I was a better teacher with her as my student. Outside of class, Molly and I had more laughs over remembering Newport, Rhode Island in the "old days", realizing that we shared some favorite haunts in common. We were goofy during our conversations that made no sense whatsoever....that would require translation. Molly made me feel as if I could be the woman I was meant to be when I was with her. She was one part mischievous imp, and another part Mother Earth. She was both wise woman and harlequin. She never shied away from her ability to laugh at herself but also strove to continually improve her life and skills. Molly was a believer in lifelong learning, and she consistently amazed me at her ability to keep going on her quest for inspiration.

I did a great deal of research on angels the past evening. I know that angels, like human beings, have different gifts. I know that some encourage, while others protect....that some are messengers, while others offer quiet comfort. As I tried to find artwork depicting an angel that could represent Molly, I had an impossible feat; none were as beautiful. But, I know that Molly is radiant among them. I have full confidence that Molly is shining, that she is laughing and that she is dancing. I know that she will be a radiant presence in the already glowing ambiance in Heaven. And, I know that when I see her again someday, that she'll meet me with one of her characteristic big hugs and say, "Hey, girl! Where you been?". Molly was warm hearted, generous and talented. I'm positive that, even in Heaven, those gifts are always needed.

As I light my candle for Molly tonight, I miss mourn her, I will miss her, but I will know that the angels are surrounding her. I also have a feeling she'll teach them to heli-ski, to sail across the ocean and to climb a mountain. Her adventurous soul may even chart some new hills in Heaven. I hope she'll show them to me someday.

1 comment:

LOUANNE said...

Dearest, Ellen Your words create such joy in my heart